Saudi Post Signed an Agreement with Tatweer Educational Transportation Services Company (TTC)

Other News

28 November 2017
Saudi Post Signed an Agreement with Tatweer Educational Transportation Services Company (TTC)

Saudi Post Corporation signed a cooperation agreement with TTC (Ministery of Education's Executive Department of educational transportation) on Tuesday 28 November 2017 in Saudi Post Head Office. The Agreement includes the application of Council of Ministers Decision No. 252 which is to obligate all government departments and its customers to register in National Address; in addition to the cooperation in many fields to exchange data and information, establish a connection among systems and databases, and to utilize Geographic Information Systems.

 Saudi Post Acting President Muhammad bin Abdulrahman Al-Abdul-Jabbar and Tatweer Educational Transportation Services Company CEO Dr. Sami bin Abdullah Al-Dubaikhy signed The Agreement.

TTC will utilize Saudi Post's Database of Geographic Information Systems and support National Address service in the company applications and services.

 Saudi Post Acting President Muhammad bin Abdulrahman Al-Abdul-Jabbar explained these partnerships aim to support the spread of National Address to facilitate the provision of services to citizens. Saudi Post and TTC will organize students addresses registration which make it easier to locate their residences and provide feedback to plan transportation tracks efficiently via accessing National Address database which enhances TTC transportation services and double educational investments profits.

Tatweer Educational Transportation Services Company CEO Dr. Sami bin Abdullah Al-Dubaikhy said: The Agreement signed with Saudi Post is inline with the company efforts to rely on modern technology in layout tracks and follow up services via satellite to develop Educational Transportation Services to set the bar high. It also contributes to beneficiaries satisfaction all over the kingdom.

 Al-Dubaikhy added, "The Agreement will promote cooperation with Saudi Post Corporation especially in data and information exchange in the seek of developing educational transportation service in the kingdom which has more than 1,2 Million students both male and female, it covers 13 thousand schools, and serve 46 educational departments followed by 110 educational offices".

Saudi Post