Service Point
Saudi Post made large investment in the electronic and technological infrastructure of postal operations to raise the quality and speed up services. The National Address developed by the Saudi Post contributed to increasing the capacities of distribution and mail delivery to customer locations, and offering an outstanding solution to social and service networking inside the kingdom. Express mail services were developed through the Express Mail Service (EMS) and transportation services were developed through the establishment of Naqel Company.
Furthermore, post offices were updated and new services were provided utilizing post facilities, buildings and networks such as government services and money transfer services "Ersal". Special services were launched such as e-mall and Makani platform to sell tickets.
Saudi Post aims at establishing a postal industry that supports the development and outreach of the e-government and e-commerce through providing advanced and integrated postal services for individuals, private and public organizations, building a service link between them all using the latest world technologies, making the best investment in human resources, as well as achieving sustainable commercial returns.
To be an independently effective commercial postal operator with diverse areas of activity, operating on a commercial basis and providing high quality public services and competitive commercial products.
Providing integrated and innovative postal, financial and logistic services for enterprises and individuals, which contribute to the support of e-government and e-commerce, using the latest world technologies, the highest quality and excellence standards, and national qualified personnel.