Albatall starting his work and meets Express Mail Employees

Other News

18 December 2014
Albatall starting his work and meets Express Mail Employees

Proceeded Professor / Musa'ed bin Abdullah Albatall his work as general manager of Express Mail. Albatall and began his duties goodwill visit to all employees in their offices, followed by an open meeting organized by the Department of Public Relations class mail was attended by directors of departments and their staff.

He welcomed the Director General of EMS during the meeting with all the staff, conveying to them the greetings of His Excellency the President of the Saudi Postal Corporation, Dr. Mohammed Saleh Bin Taher Benten, the private and thanked them one by one, whether in public administration or in regional administrations, and that what has been achieved during the last period.

He stressed the need for concerted Albatall everyone for the betterment of products and services and the level of service provided to the customer.

Saudi Post